Family and friends

Talking about your family and friends, your country and their experiences of heart and vascular issues can be helpful.

Yarn with your family and friends about your options. It is okay to make these decisions together with family.

Making decision with others is ok. You can bring family or friends to the doctor to help you make decisions.

You might all make some changes together to improve your health e.g. you might all go for a walk together every day.

Your family may have had to find solutions to improve their health in the past which may work for you too. They may have some tips they can share with you.

“If you’re going to give positive feedback to the family about your experience, they’re going to feel more entrusted to go as well and see about their heart. Yeah, so I think it’s a really good tool and I think it just outlines the importance of yarning.”

– Community member

“The busy-ness of life and the family commitments, they all seem to get in – like I’ve got eight grandkids – I put myself last. I’ve been known to change doctor’s appointments if somebody needs me to babysit. it’s obligation – I feel a lot of obligation to do stuff. And sometimes it’s tiring… everyone is pulling me in a direction.”

– Community member

“I understand there’s a level or risk, as an Aboriginal man, particularly around health lifestyle choices, but also the risk my family genetics play as well.”

– Community member

“I have like I said two boys that I feel that I need to model good behaviour.”

– Community member

“If you’re going to give positive feedback to the family about your experience, they’re going to feel more entrusted to go as well and see about their heart. Yeah, so I think it’s a really good tool and I think it just outlines the importance of yarning.”

– Community member