
Think about the lifestyle or medication options you want to consider. Yarn with your health professional about which ones might be best for you right now.

How are you feeling about these options?

Quit smoking
Change diet
More exercise

What questions do you have?

Are you ready to make a decision or do you need to take a break?

“I’d like to hear from a doctor’s point of view obviously because that’s their profession but I also want them to hear what I’m saying and be able to answer it in a civilian way so it’s understandable…not just chucking big words around…make you understand so you don’t go home with a worried mind.”

– Community member

“I think I’m just one of those ones that go in and get the script and go. Maybe I should start worrying about my decisions.”

– Community member

“I think the options gives us control, it gives us that power over our own – making decisions about our own treatment and what we want and our own needs, and I really like that.”

– Community member