Which options do you want to consider to improve your heart health?
Here’s an example of
a person with “low” risk.
(This may be higher or lower than your risk.)
It means that out of 100 people with the same risk factors, 4 of those people will have a heart attack or stroke in the next 5 years if they don’t take action.
This person quit smoking. Their risk changed from 4% to 2%. This means they have a better chance of keeping their heart healthy.
If you reduce your cholesterol, you can reduce your risk of heart problems. This person reduced their LDL or “bad” cholesterol by 1mmol/l. Their risk changed from 4% to 3%. This means they have a better chance of keeping their heart healthy.
If you reduce your blood pressure, you can reduce your risk of heart problems. This person reduced their blood pressure by 100mmHg. Their risk changed from 4% to 3%. This means they have a better chance of keeping their heart healthy.